tiistai 21. syyskuuta 2010

After life ended - Or should have...

You knew that when it happened it would be the end. All the things you wished to do and become in your life, gone, in a blink of an eye, and why? It just did not make any sense. In that decisive split second, just before it was over, you looked back at your life, and no matter what you had been promised, what you had done or how long you had lived, it just was not enough. And when you arrived, you listened, agreeing to anything it said, no matter what it was, just so that you would not pass. And so it was, that I was still here. 

Chapter 1

He just sat there, in the crater where it had landed. In his hand, he held his own helmet, penetrated by fragments of the shell. He just stared at the helmet, wondering how he was still there. He was sure that he was supposed to be dead, nothing could survive that, but still he was there, sitting where the shell had impacted. Around him was only dust, sand and rocks, no trace of his squad mates. They were all gone. But still he was there, sure about that he should be dead. 

Or was I dead? How was I supposed to know? I was alone in the darkness, just sitting there. What should I have done? I did not know, nor do I now. Should I just have pulled out my las-pistol, and shot my self? Probably. For what is life now? Nothing, a empty place, filled with the ghosts from the past. The shadows seem seem to be alive, but surely they cant, such a thing must surely be impossible.

But still they seemed to be, always watching him, never leaving him alone. 

Now, three years after that faithful day, he sat there, in the hold of the Valkyrie. He was going back home. He hoped that he would get rid of the horrors he had faced when he saw his family again. He wished that meeting his wife again, after all these years would cheer him up, chase his haunted dreams would go away, and be replaced by happiness and hope. Hope of a better life... 

tiistai 14. syyskuuta 2010

A day of Reach...

Today was a normal day, or as "normal" as a day can get when the years biggest game is released on the very same day... When I came home from school, I did nothing that I would not normally do; read some White Dwarf and try to find out something to do... When I had chosen which WD I would read, I walked past the desk top computer, and guess what was waiting for me there... I think you guessed... A brand new copy of Halo:Reach...

It did not take long before I had recovered from the three heart attacks I got, and soon the disc was spinning inside my Xbox...I started out with the campaign, on Legendary difficulty, and it was one of the best moments in my life... The mysterious feel of the first playable mission was just amazing, and lets not even mention the second mission! After some time I wanted to try out the multiplayer and see what everyone was talking about, cause I had heard amazing things about it... I started out with a game if Invasion Slayer, and it was amazing! I even got my hands on a Scorpion tank! You should have seen the face of the Elites as I, along with another Scorpion ruled over the Blood Gulch and crushed everything that came into our way! It was a great game, and I even got an Achievment or two in the bargain!

After that I played a game of Invasion, the normal one this time, and it was in my opinion far better than  Invasion Slayer, even if that is one of the best game modes I have played! I came on the Spartan team for the first turn, and we were on the offensive. We attacked the elites hard and slowly pushed them aside, and soon we had the core under our control. Personally I, along with two other Spartans were protecting them using the Falcon, and god, that vehicle is a beast! It comes without question that we won!
The second round I was naturally on the Elite team, and this turn was the one I enjoyed more, as I am a huge fan of them. We fought valiantly, and I was even forced to make a last stand a few meters from the enemy Pelican, as they had almost managed to get it on board. I did only have my sword, but I managed to hold them off until the rest of my team got over there and secured it. The result was a 2-0 victory.

The rest of the day was mostly spent playing around on Forge World, and by the Emperor, that is an amazing map!

I would personally rate them game an clear 10/10, as it was amazing, and I have never enjoyed a game as much as I have enjoyed this one! I would highly recomend picking it up, as it is a good play, and at least I will be spending most of my days playing it!

maanantai 13. syyskuuta 2010

Todays project...

Today I am planing to paint a Black Templar, and I am a bit curious about how it will turn out, as it is a new chapter to me... But I am looking forward to it, and pics should be up later... On an other note; Halo: Reach will be released tomorrow, and I cant wait for it! I will probably review it after a few days of hardcore playing, and there wont be any painting in the coming days, but I am planing to review a book or two, so stay toned for those!

sunnuntai 12. syyskuuta 2010

The Blood Angel

Well, here he is! The Blood Angel I promised to paint, but I only painted the one with the flamer, could not be arsed to paint the Sergeant or any Black Templars... But tomorrow is a new day, and I hope to find some time for it!

The start of a 40k blog...

September 12, 2010, a new blog was born... It was this very blog, the Storm of the Emperors wrath. Here I will be keeping up a steady stream of Games Workshop news, such as releases, and sometimes rumors. I will also be posting reviews for books, games, movies and TV-shows, old and new. There will probably be a steady stream of pictures as well, mostly of miniatures, but also from other media.

 I hope that some of you out there will be interested in following this blog, and I would happily accept tips for painting and those kinds of things. Today you will most likely get a few pictures of Blood Angels Assault Marines, a Sergeant, and one with a Flamer, and possibly some Black Templars...

The Emperor protects!